Hearing Aids at Good to hear
Good to Hear is an independent hearing aid distributor, which means we're able to offer hearing aids from multiple manufacturers. We do feature Signia products given their reputation of quality and solid customer service. Our customer’s needs will always be considered when deciding which manufacturer to work with.
Hearing Aid Featured Brands & Styles
We Carry & Service The Top Brands & Gear
Going The Extra Mile to Provide Extended Services For Our Customers
In home comprehensive hearing evaluation ($75 test fee waived with purchase)
Most devices include a 3 year warranty for repair or replacement for loss / damage (deductible applies for L &D)
Telecare service available where appropriate
Video conferencing available for follow up care included (Zoom or other video platform)
In home follow ups, repairs,additional tests included with purchase for duration of warranty period
Referral credits available (ask us for details)
Hearing conservation service available for local manufacturers. OSHA regulations are followed
Hearing Aid Care
Stay Up to Date on Hearing Aid Maintenance & Best Practices
To get the most out of your hearing aids, you need to take good care of them. That means ongoing maintenance, including daily care at home as well as regular cleanings and servicing that we can offer.
Hearing Aid Maintenance & Care Checklists
Wipe them down every day when you take them out
Keep them dry (don't go swimming or wear them in the shower)
Store them in a dry place (not the bathroom)
Change the batteries when you get a low-battery notice
Replace the wax guard regularly, or call us for help with it
Keep them out of reach of children or pets